Monday, November 12, 2012

November boxing flashbacks

IT HAPPENED IN NOVEMBER 1983: by brian zelley

*From the pages of the "BC Amateur Boxing News", December 1983

It seems like yesterday, but it was 29 years ago, and all of the players
in the story are no longer active in the sport to any degree.

Victoria Jaycees Boxing Club Show  Gordon Head Rec Centre: 

As expected it was another one of those sunday afternoon boxing shows 
hosted by Mike Sartori and the Jaycees boxing club.  As expected there was
support from other boxing clubs including the Ladysmith club, Parksville
and some regulars from the mainland including  Ralph Galloway and
his Richmond Boxing Club and the Queensborough club from New Westminster.

*The opening bout featured promising Ladysmith boxer TONY WILLIS
 engage inan exciting bout with Victoria's  AUGUSTOS DOS REIS. 
 The main event was bout 12 and featured Victoria's MIKE KENNEDY 
defeat Parksville's capable SCOTT CESSFORD in an action packed
 senior welterweight bout. 

*The ;parade of  other boxers that saw action in that exciting club show 
included: Paul Bottomley, Shawn Patton, Clint Dumais, Scott Wood,
Richard Compart, Rick Cox, Dave Hendrickson, Lyle Hendrickson, 
Brent Lackie, Lyle Ritchie, Kirk Ranneris, Robert Lowe, Kit Munro,
Kevin Cranmer, Tim Cessford, Paul Wade, Paul Deluca and Troy Taylor.

Ring Officials: head official: Brian Zelley, judges and referees:
Bob Perry, Howard Curling, Ian Weir and Tom Turnbull
Glover was coach Steve Barnes.


* It was the 1985 Emerald Gloves held on November 15, 1985.
At the end of the tournaments the open junior Emerald Boy
was TONY DUFFY of the Sunshine Boxing Club.  The top
junior novice was Larry Barber of Maple Ridge.  In the finals
Duffty faced the active Troy Taylor of the Queensborough club.
In the open senior light-heavyweight division it was GARY WOOD
of Campbell River. 

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